Part 15: The Man Who Understands
Part XV: The Man Who UnderstandsSo, as you might expect we've got a ton of new jobs / character quests to take care of after finishing the chapter. Let's start that long road here in Duval, continuing Alvin's story.

Reluctant salesman

Of course, the inquisitive remark on the right is what you want to raise Alvin's affection. Not what I went with...

Right on time, Vera calls. I doubt that's who Alvin had in mind...

So this character chapter, like Elize and Milla chapter 1, has no fighting whatsoever in it, unless you want to, that is. Let's get the skinny on what's going...

This guy is referring to the Rieze Maxian-Elympion pair (Yurgen and Alvin respectively), of course. Seems the Alvin and Yurgen of this world are a highly successful merchant duo, and that Yurgen is getting married to Isla, who was fiancee in the first game, but passed away (at least from what I remember. That's one subplot I'm kinda murky on the whole details on). So, all in all a not too shabby fractured dimension. we're going to be going after a pile of rocks? Interesting. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've fought a stationary, non-violent, pile of rocks as a "boss fight" in a JRPG. Anyway, after you get this message Yurgen will be standing just outside the train station.

An unsettling development

Well, it's only polite.

Yurgen hands it over...

Alvin looks troubled over something. Not hard to see why, but we might as well make sure with him. I cannot say my motives were entirely altruistic for this choice, however...

The key Yurgen gave us is for a storage room in Helioborg, so that's where we're going next. I find it funny that Leia mentioned trying not to get lost this time, where the biggest part of this challenge is getting lost in Helioborg looking for the damn room. At least it was that way for me. Anyway, skit (plus Alvin's affection increase choice), before we hit the road yet again.

However, we do have a cool optional scene to take in before we head to Helioborg. That's a good question, too. To trigger it, just head to the front door of Ludger's apartment building.

An alternate side

In spite of his tough-guy exterior, Alvin's a total softie, especially when it comes to people who call him a "friend".

Well, that was odd, that Julius and Alvin know each other in this dimension. Might as well mention that to him. Maybe ol' Alvin is keeping something from us.

No one could, Alfie... Anyway, onto Helioborg.

So the warehouse is on the first floor of the Development Wing, i.e. the building with the elevator. It took me like 15 minutes to find this damn place...

On a different path

Sorry man. It's gotta be this way.

Yurgen takes off...

C'mon. We're not gonna kick a guy when he's down.

That's the spirit man... Anyway, 20,000 gald is our reward for finishing up that chapter, but we've got quite a bit more work to do this chapter, even though the required payment is 100,000 to proceed with the game.

Maybe not the spirit, though...

Elle's fascination with books continues, sometimes in strange directions.

Next up, returning to the Deepwood (the North region, to be specific). We have an Elite Monster that has sprung from the earth since the end of Chapter 8, and we need to do a bit of pruning for a sizable monetary reward. The monster itself is at the same cliff that I showed you the nice view of the last time we were here.

Yikes... Ghastly Stump

In spite of his size, and very powerful attacks, this is one of the easiest bosses in the game. His vulnerability is to Fire, which explains Gaius' presence, and just is the world's biggest punching bug. It's even really easy to heavy stun him and knock him to the ground, which makes this even easier.

It really is almost insulting how easy he is. Oh well, an easy 40,000 gald and 12,000 merit points for me.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Nova...oh well, we need to be in the Sharilton area anyway for the next Elite Monster. Oh yeah, and we have our skit. Vera is telling us to head to Aladhi Seahaven to make contact with Rideaux's pursuit team to go after Julius. Yeah, we'll get right on that.

Like I said, we have an Elite Monster to take care of first, among other errands. Arrow Folzam

So this guy, if you tried a straight fight, would be extremely hard: he flies around, throws out status effects constantly, and is generally really powerful. However, he does have one critical weakness: when he uses a move called Trample Drop, he'll zoom off-screen high into the sky, then drops down on a target. If he does not hit anyone, he'll get stuck momentarily, then a few hits (he's vulnerable to Fire, which is why Gaius is here again) later, you'll heavy stun him and you'll be free to kick his ass. There's really nothing to this fight other than that.

And yep, after 3-4 times of getting a heavy stun, you should be able to take him down, or at least take his health 85-90% down. A little rough, and you have to know the gimmick, but his failure is complete. Also, speaking of Sharilton and the Cumar Trail, we have one more thing to do around here...

Back in town

I seem to recall L1 raising Rowen's affection and R1 Elize's, but it seems I was mistaken, and L1 does nothing of consequence. Of course, if you can raise affection you should, no matter the character..
Edit: I got this right initially, thinking L1 raised Rowen's and R1 raised Elize's, when the guide I'm using saying R1 is the only worthwhile choice, because it raised Elize's affection without mentioning the Rowen choice. I was right the first time.

Rowen types up a storm. You know, I like using my phone to type stuff, but the auto-correct is so sensitive. It doesn't even like "I'm"!

However, as soon as you approach the manor, another scene...

Mysterious grandpa

I'm sure Rowen, if he were here, would appreciate the concern L1 shows.

The cost of doing business
Well, he sure didn't get too far.

Another easy choice.

Well, if neither choice raises affection, might as well add our own commentary on things.

Of course, we must acknowledge Rowen still has some skills, even at his age.

However, we're quickly surrounded...

Time to take out the trash.

L1 raises his affection, but R1 to cheer him up, as it were.

And keep her waiting I did not...

The Lady of Sharilton

I'm sure Ludger knows what one is, so I don't think we'll have to ask. I'm sure Rowen will appreciate the sentiment for L1, and I was right.

Didn't stop Elize from putting Teepo in a small box and putting him away in Xillia 1's epilogue video, though. I kinda don't think they intended for this game to exist in the first place after Namco-Bandai was done with the first game, but by all accounts Xillia 1 was a huge success, so here we are.

But before we make this oh-so-critical decision, we have Rowen's second affection skit. Apparently Ludger is 20. Guess they do say... Well, he's old enough to drink in Japan, and I believe a few states, so I guess Ludger can indulge with some alcohol if Alvin brings him out drinking sometime, or decides to pal around with ol' Erston.
Bugger...after making the skit I forgot to include it. Next time.

There's really no need to sweat this decision, though Driselle's enthusiasm is appreciated.

And this is why. All of these items are utterly worthless to me now, so choose whatever. I chose the Blades for their nostalgia value, as it were.

And that's that. Not to give away *too* much, but that's not the last we'll be hearing about that time capsule this thread. Anyway, for now...

We're headed to the Lakutam Seahaven, to head to Kanbalar for real. Along the way, we'll have to pass through a town called Xian Du, which has another path that leads from it. We won't be taking the latter part, and will leave the Kanbalar area as our last stop this chapter. In any case, once you've captured this kitty and have stocked up on new weapons / armor / accessories as you see appropriate, time to hit the trails again.

So, another trail, another lotta nothing to talk about. We do have a cat, hidden in a cave.

This one, to be exact, in the second-to-last region of the trail. This cat in particular is called Sir Meows-a-Lot. I'm pretty sure people have been making Lancelot jokes ever since he was a thing in Arthurian legend.

And here we are. Shortly after entering, you'll get a skit, followed shortly by another, where Rowen reveals a terrible secret of Gaius'. Gaius fighting spirit is as sharp as ever, and of course, one cannot overlook the massive coliseum in plain sight upon entering. If you know anything about Tales games, you know there's gonna be a cameo battle sooner or later. This game...has quite a few special battles that take place there.
There is one in particular, THE cameo battle of this game, that is the final boss of this game in every sense of the term, except for the plot. Basically, you have to overcome every OTHER challenge in the game to earn the right to an audience with this battle, and it's going to be one of the very last things I do in this thread.

Down near the boat that will take you to the coliseum, there is a cat in a fight for its life. It would be unseemly of us to leave it to its fate.

Like I said, a kindly ferryman is the only way to get to the coliseum, and once there, you can sign up for a 2-party member team battle against a gauntlet of monsters. This fight is...actually really hard. Gaius is an excellent choice because of Calamity Stance insta-killing monsters, but once you hit the last stage of the fight, you'll be constantly bombarded by spells and it just turns into a big ol' mess. Well, you can assess my performance from this video.

Oh yeah, and this dragon? It too can be a victim to Calamity Stance, amazingly enough. Also, even if you do complete this challenge (and there's really no need to at this point in the game), this is the only fight you can participate in for now.

One of the passages from Xian Du leads to...

Oh hey, we've been here before. As you might expect, almost all enemies here are weak to Fire, so anyone who can exploit that is a good choice here. not.

When you get to a split path, take the right branch, and you'll end up in an ice cave. After traveling through (head straight, then look for a cave path on the right to proceed to the more wide-open area...

In the following area, there's nothing particularly notable, except for this field of flowers. If I remember Elize's backstory correctly, this is where the house she lived with her parents was located before it was destroyed, her parents were killed, and she was adopted by the criminal Jiao (who, as mentioned, was one of the Chimeriad), and moved into her house in Hamil. I believe there's only a few Princessias you can actually get in the course of a single playthrough.
Other than that, unless I'm mistaken / it shows up at some point, there are no cats in this area.

Before you get back on your way, don't forget this easy-to-miss cat. Now how did you get up there, detective? Also, this cat has a collar on it, which is good for one of the cat postings on the job board.

The greatest ingredient
After making it to Kanbalar, we have Milla's chapter. However, do feel free to case Kanbalar quite a bit, even Castle Gaius. After all, we are buds with its master, aren't we?

We could always take the sarcastic tack, but R1 seems like the safest bet at this juncture.

Oh yeah, a skit before we go. Elle gets along great with Alt Milla and Gaius, surprisingly enough. I can understand Gaius, though. She's the only talking member of the party who is not named Gaius whom Gaius tried to kill (Milla excepted). I can understand the awkwardness of the original Xillia cast toward him.

So onto the Lava Tubes, but first we have a stop here in the Xialen Woods Temple, a cool little area of no particular importance at any point in the story, but it's a quiet little place, so let's stop in.

On the first floor, you can hear a strange "Yo..." sound effect coming from the pews. This one has our next feline companion, Woodrow. Now, he has a familiar color scheme if you are an extensive Tales veteran, either from Tales of Destiny or Symphonia. There was a character who originated in Tales of Destiny named Woodrow Kelvin, who many English-speaking Tales fans probably know better as Garr Woodrow from Tales of Symphonia's cameo battle (he was the archer in blue armor).
Although Destiny does have the honor of being the first localized Tales, it was released before the turn of the millennium, during those dark days when Tales of Eternia didn't even get its proper name for the English release, the thought of dubbed OPs were considered heresy and the only appropriate punishment was burning at the Anime Stake, and if you wanted dubbed skits, pal, you were in the wrong neighborhood.
Alas, how times have changed, and significantly for the better. Unless I am mistaken, Dawn of the New World / Vesperia's twin releases in 2006 were really the focal point for modern Tales localizations. Argue about the quality of each as much as you want, but for the first time we got dubbed skits, and there was just no going back.
Aside from all that, there's really nothing else to do here except head to the upper levels for a free inn (much like the one in Nia Khera), which you should take advantage of. We've got some bears to catch when you're ready to raise the sails.

Into the forest, whose only remarkable feature are these annoying as hell Ice Golems, who are one among a few enemy types that block way too much for anyone's enjoyment (use spells if they're doing that a lot). Also, one of the easiest cats in the game to find. To reach the Lava Tubes, continue heading in the same direction Ludger was facing when we got here. The other path leads to the Ice Caves, which we don't need to go to for now.

After climbing a ladder once you hit a cliff side, you'll get to your destination. The Lava Tubes have some rather tough enemies for this point in the game, but the Gentlefreet here do have a very valuable drop / steal: Miracle Gels, which restores 60% HP and TP and these guys are a free source of them. As you imagine, I've killed a lot of these guys over the course of my Xillia 2 career. They aren't exactly pushovers, but not overly tough, either.
Of course, once you're a bit further in the game, you can easily massacre these guys and get tons of Miracle Gels for free. Or, you could be a cheap bastard with Calamity Stance.

Further on, we find another cat, clearly in trouble. Let's get Scratchy out of here, pronto. I leave any and all Simpsons references to your discretion, dear reader.

Next area has our inevitable boss fight arena (hey, it was the boss fight when we Milla's half of the team came through here in Xillia 1).

Bear hunt

Milla starts running, but trips on something...

Well, there's only one chivalrous thing to do. Increases her affection, as you might guess.

Another one of these things, huh... Anyway, just like Graddic and Heavy Claw, you can pretty well anticipate what this guy might throw at you. As you might expect, he's weak to Water and strong against Fire, but Milla's a good choice to control because she can hit a wide variety of elements fairly easily and can start off a combo with a Splash Spirit Shift, which will throw out Aqua Protection for a stagger. After that, it's the same ol' story.

That'll do, folks.

Well, Ludger's kept himself alive so far humoring Milla and going along with her. No reason to stop now.

And one final affection-raising choice, inquiring about her secret weapon.

I believe that means "Yes". Rollo's heart is a finicky one. Also, thanks to the gald payout from that fight, I'm now over 139k, so Nova is calling up to collect. This time, for bonus items delivered to the mailbox! We'll go collect those next time before we wrap a few things up before heading to the next chapter. Sound good?
Update 15 alternate choice compilation
Update 14 / 15 victory compilation